Earl Grey Cranberry Iced Tea

With the arrival of spring, I thought it was time for iced tea.  Nothing like a warm day to bring out the cool refreshing drinks.  I put together a combination that I think will definitely quench your thirst. 

Earl Grey Cranberry Iced Tea


Earl Grey Cranberry Iced Tea
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  1. 4 Earl Grey tea bags
  2. 2 cups boiling water
  3. 2 cups cranberry juice
  4. 1 tablespoon lemon
  5. 3 tablespoons honey
  1. Steep tea bags in boiling water for 10 minutes. In a medium pitcher combine cranberry juice, lemon, and honey. Remove tea bags and add tea to pitcher. Stir to combine. Refrigerate.
  2. Serve over ice.
  3. Yields 4 cups - this recipe is easy to double or triple
  1. If you are a sweet tea lover, add more honey, to taste.
A Passion for Entertaining https://apassionforentertaining.com/