Smoked Salmon Topped Deviled Eggs

As you all know, I live with a Seahawk fan and yes, his team defeated my team for the opportunity to play in Sunday’s game.  Only fitting that I bring a salmon related contribution to a Super Bowl party.   Since deviled eggs are always a hit when I take them to tailgates or parties, I thought deviled eggs would be a great addition to a Super Bowl feast.  I also have to admit I am bringing some Wisconsin cheese, even though my beloved Packers are at home watching the game.  I will always have a spot in my heart for the season that could have been.  I must admit, if the Packers were playing this year, salmon would have definitely been replaced with cheese curds, brats, and beer!  Maybe next year… 


Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs
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  1. 6 hard-boiled eggs
  2. 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
  3. 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  4. Salt and pepper, to taste
  5. 4 oz. smoked salmon
  6. Chopped dill, for garnish
  1. Cut peeled eggs lengthwise into halves. Slip out yolks and mash with dry mustard, salt and pepper, and mayonnaise. Fill whites with egg mixture, top with smoked salmon and dill.
  2. Cover and refrigerate, serve within 24 hours.
  1. How to hard boil an egg.
  2. Place as many eggs are you want in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Turn the burner to high and bring to a rolling boil. As soon as you have a rolling boil, remove from heat and cover. Let stand covered for 20 minutes. Immediately remove from the hot water and place in a bowl of ice water. Let stand 8 minutes, remove and refrigerate eggs.
A Passion for Entertaining